Tuesday, June 5, 2007


The Kick Off


Nina Aaltonen

Ms. Johnson
Writing 1
10 scenes


The boys Varsity Basketball team is having a practice in the gym. They are doing an intense dribbling drill.

The COACH is watching expectantly and nods in satisfaction on the sideline.

JASON MILLER is the last person that goes and half-way through, he messes up.

The ball rolls across the gym floor and he glances quickly at the coach, his dad.

The coach shakes his head.

(yelling with impatience)
Miller! Miller! Get over here!!

Yes, sir.

He slowly walks to the coach with his head down.
TYLER, the captain of the basketball team stops his friends.

They look at Jason and point at him. They whisper and starts to laugh.

Why are you the one that’s always messing up?! Why can’t you play? Is it that hard? Everybody else is doing fine! You embarrass me! Goodness grief! I’m the basketball coach and my own son can’t even play basketball!
(rubs his forehead)
Go practice!

Jason doesn’t say anything. He only looks at his feet.
Tyler and his friends laugh even louder.

The coach walks away furiously and as he is walking out the door, Jason just watches the back of his dad.
(heaves a sigh)

Tyler, sensing Jason’s depression tries to make it even worse.

Ha-ha! That’s so pathetic. I wonder how our coach even deals with—
Never mind! Let’s get on with practice! Everybody, let’s scrimmage!

Jason slumps down. He quietly walks to the locker room by himself.

Tyler notices and yells for him to come back.

Hey, Gay-son! Sorry, I mean Jason!!
Come back! You can’t leave practice! I’m telling you not to! I’m the Captain! I know nobody would want you on their team, but worth a try!
It’s only a scrimmage. You can mess up if you want to!!

Tyler starts to laugh so hard. So does his friends. They give each other a high-five and laughs some more.

Jason drags his feet slowly and goes into the locker room.


Jason is in the locker room taking a shower. His teammates come in and they are talking about bad stuff about Jason loudly, wanting Jason to hear everything.


Jason is at the kitchen to get some food for dinner. He looks over at his dad, who’s just watching TV and sighs.


Jason is lying on his bed. He’s eating chips and listening to music.

He sings and hums along to the music.

His back starts hurting so he turns around to lie on his stomach.

He sees his mother’s photo on his desk.

He has sudden flashbacks.

A) In his bed about to fall asleep.
B) Dad rushing in and grabbing his arm and pulling him out.
C) Dad cursing and swearing.
D) Car stops (screech!) in front of hospital.
E) Dad runs out.
F) Jason tries to catch up.
G) Sees mother covered in blood.
H) Doctors pushing her on the bed running.

Jason shakes his head and gets up.

He goes to his desk and puts down the photo upside-down.

He sits at his desk and gets out his homework from his backpack. He starts to do his homework.

His writes carelessly and messy. His handwriting is sloppy.

The phone rings, so he stops his homework.

He picks up the phone.


Hey! It’s me! Corey.

Oh. Hey.

You ok? Sound kinda depressed or quiet or whatever

Hm.. yea…

You busy tomorrow? If not, let’s hang out

Sure. I don’t care.

See ya tomorrow at Starbucks! Don’t be late!

Ok. . .

Jason hangs up the phone.

He turns off the light and flops on his bed to go to sleep.


Jason wakes up in the morning by the mowing noise. He looks outside to see his father mowing the yard like usual.


Jason is getting milk out of the refrigerator. He pours it in a cup and start to drink it.

His dad comes in.

He washes his hands and dries them with the kitchen towel.

He studies his son and his clothes.

He’s still holding the kitchen towel.

Where you going?

Just somewhere….

I asked where you going?!

I’m going to hang out with my friend…

The dad flings his towel and smacks it on the table.

God!! Practice some basketball during your free time!! You’re the worst one on the team and you’re the one that never practices!! What’s wrong with you! You never—

Jason doesn’t say anything. He only looks away.

As his dad is yelling at him, he walks out the door.

—listen to me! Don’t you dare ignore me! I’m telling you not to go!

The door closes.


Jason meets Corey in Starbucks. They get some coffee and head off to watch a movie.


Jason and Corey run into Tyler and his friends on the way to the theater. Tyler and his friends insult Jason and Corey and walk off laughing.


The movie ends and Jason leaves because he has to go practice basketball.


Jason is practicing basketball all by himself in the park. He misses many shots and lay-ups. He shoots a three-pointer but misses and then flops down and closes his eyes hopelessly.


It’s the day of the tournament.


A) Few shots made
B) score board
C) Jason’s team celebrating
D) Three-pointers and lay-ups
E) score board for second game
F) Jason’s team celebrating again for their second win

Two other teams are playing a game.
Jason and his team are stretching in the locker room.

One! Two! Three! Four! ...

It’s busy in the gym. Cheerleaders are cheering on the sidelines.

Go Panthers! Go! Go PANTHERS!

The audience is also cheering and yelling.

Shoot it! No, pass! Pass! Pass!
Ooo… what a bad throw.. It’s ok!! Shake it off!
He’s open!


A)drums beating
B)feet stomping
C)hands clapping
D)people yelling

Jason’s dad looks around at the audience and waits for his boys.

Jason’s team comes out jogging right when the buzzer goes off to end the present game.

You guys ready? Haha! Get pumped up!!

Let’s get starting! Warm up drills!!

The team jogs onto the court. They do their warm up drill of lay-ups, passing, and shooting.

The coach watches his team warm up.

The buzzer goes off to start the game.
The coach motions his team to gather up around him.

All right you guys. This is it! We came all the way to the championship. We can do this! Let’s make our school proud!

(everybody cheers)

Guys ready?

Yes, sir!

Ok! One, two, three!


The starters go to where they are supposed to be around the circle.

The ball is thrown and Tyler jumps to get it.

Tyler’s hands reach it first and he grabs it.

The game is on.

Every one cheers!


A) pass
B) dribble
C) shot
D) dribble
E) pass
F) shot
G) three-pointer
H) score board (bulldogs-45 & warriors-35)

The coach is looking happy but also concerned.

Then without even turning and looking, he calls Jason.

Miller, come here!

Jason hurries over with a worried look.

I’m going to put you in. It will be a disgrace if the coach’s own son does not play in the championship.
We only have four minutes left. Just hold on for only four minutes. We are ten points ahead so with your teammates scoring a bit more during the last few minutes, I think it will be okay even though you play.

But. . you know I can’t. . it’s really ok if I just sit—

Go! What are you doing! Now, show yourself out there!! Don’t embarrass me again! Go!

He pushes his son towards the score-keeping table.

Jason looks nervous as he kneels in front of the table to be subbed in.

The ball rolls out and the refs call the subs in.

Jason runs in as another starter comes out.

Tyler sees Jason coming and his face turns red.

What’s he doing on the court?! Get him off!! We can’t use him right now! He’s no help! No! No!!

(exhales loudly)
Oh man…

The coach gives Tyler a scary look.

Tyler! I’m gonna take YOU out if you don’t shut up!

Tyler shuts up but his face is red.

The ref calls the game to continue.


A) Tyler making shots
B) Jason looking lost
C) Jason passing the ball to the other team
D) Other team shoots
E) Other team does a lay-up
F) Scoreboard (50-45 with 1 minute left)
G) Jason gets the ball stolen
H) Other team’s shot
I) And another one
J) Scoreboard (50-49 with ten seconds left)
K) Jason fouls the other team with four seconds left
L) Other team makes the free shots
M) Buzzer rings
N) Scoreboard (50-51)

The game is over and the other team, Warriors, all shouts and run towards each other. They celebrate their victory.


-Tyler yells and pounds the floor.

-Jason looks terrified and devastated. He can’t say anything.

-Coach’s face is red. He doesn’t have any words either.

-Other players sigh and give dirty looks to Jason.

You friggin mess up everything!! I hate you! I hate your guts! You son of a—

Whoa! Keep it cool.
(patting Tyler on the back)
Everybody knows we should have won, if it wasn’t just for that worthless . . yea well whatever. We deserve 1st place and you deserve MVP. You know that!

Jason grabs his head with both hands and closing his eyes hating his life.


Corey is waiting in front of Jason’s locker. When Jason comes to get his stuff, Corey tells Jason that his mother has cancer.


Jason enters the locker room in the gym to get ready for basketball practice. All the other teammates get quiet when Jason steps in. Then they leave as fast as they can.


The team starts the practice without the coach. Nobody talks to Jason. The coach comes and Jason keeps on messing up during the practice. The coach calls an end to the practice.


Jason walks across the soccer field. He plays a scrimmage with the guys there and has a lot of fun.


Jason arrives at the parking lot. He steps out and then realizes that his father might find out. He’s in frenzy and he is jumping around.


Jason comes inside the house cautiously.

He sees his dad on the couch watching TV like usual.

He hesitates in the hallway. He looks around.


A) the kitchen
B) the stairs
C) his dad
D) stairs
E) kitchen
F) dad
G) stairs

Crap! Should I go up to my room as if I did nothing wrong, or should I at least say hi?

Finally Jason he decides to just go up to his room.

As he takes one more step, his dad talks.

(without even turning around)
Where were you?


(still watching TV)
I let the team out early today. You should have been here earlier.

I know. . .

His dad gets up and comes to Jason.

His dad looks straight at his face.
What were you doing?

I was just hanging out. .

Hanging out?!! What would you say if I tell you that I got a phone call from a teacher telling the basketball coach how great of a soccer player his son is??!!! What the heck were you doing playing soccer?! Basketball!! It should be basketball!! Basketball is your life!! It’s my life and it should be yours too!! How can you only disappoint me? Why is it that you’re never able to please me!!

He stops and looks at the black bag behind the couch.

He points at it.
That’s yours. Take it and leave. A son who does not even try to please his own dad doesn’t deserve to be a son. I tried so hard! I thought you would at least fulfill my dream for me! You can’t be a son!! Leave!

Jason obeys and quietly takes the bag and walks out the door.

He walks without looking back and his dad slams the door shut.



Jason goes to Corey’s house for a place to stay and Corey welcomes him and takes him in.


Jason goes to the soccer try-outs taking place on the soccer field after school.


Jason and Corey arrive at school. Jason jumps out of the car.

Jason drags Corey out of the car.

Corey looks around confused and surprised.

(through gritted teeth)
Come on!

Where are we going?

Let’s go!

They enter through the school door.

Jason lets go of Corey and starts running down the hall.

Corey looks puzzled for a second and then takes after.

Jason is in front of the bulletin board searching intently.

Corey comes huffing and puffing.

(bends down)
What’s up?
Why are you all like in a hurry?
(looks up at Jason)
Oh~ what are you looking for?

Then Corey looks up and reads the words “Soccer List”

The Corey nods in realization.

(eyes darting everywhere)
Hey! Help me search! There’s JV and Varsity mixed. I can’t find my name!

(jumps right into action)

Corey slides his finger down one name after another.

His finger stops at the name, Jason.
(stabbing at the name)
Oh no never mind! That’s Jason Lee. Ooo. . wait.

His finger slides down more.
There!! Varsity!

I’m on!! I got on the team!!!

Hey! Congrats, man!!

I’m on! I’m on !!

That’s awesome!! Good job!

Corey and Jason jump and do a perfect high-five.

They hug each other in so much happiness.

They part and there is a huge grin placed on Jason’s face.


Jason enters the locker room to get ready for the first day of practice. He and many first year players celebrate.


Jason has his first practice and the coaches show appreciation. They really like him and they tell him that he might become a starter.


Jason arrives at Corey’s house and sees Corey waiting for him. Corey gives Jason a big hug to congratulate him.


Jason and Corey have a small celebration party with beer and food in Corey’s living room.


Jason has his first game. Luckily, the other team wasn’t that good, and Jason’s team won by 4-1. Jason put in two goals.


Corey is at the hospital because of bad news of his mom. He receives more information that his mom is getting worse and she might not be able to recover.


Jason and Corey are at school waiting for school to start. There is an announcement asking Corey to come to the office.


Jason is waiting for Corey. Corey finally comes excited and happy. He tells Jason that he had earned a scholarship from the school he desired to go to.


Jason and his teammates are in a big circle passing the ball around.
OK you guys! Huddle up! Come! Come!

Waits till all of his boys get in a small tight circle.

This is the most important game of the season. Have that in mind. (takes a look at all his players) But other than that, I just want you guys to do your best, something every coach wishes. Remember what I told you many times before! Be aggressive! Win the ball in the air! Do you best! Never give up! All these little things make big things happen. We have a great team and I have hope! We can do this!

He puts out his hand.

Other hands start to place on top of his.

As this is happening, the ref calls the captains.

The captain pulls out of the huddle and jogs towards the ref.

His teammates watch him as they wait patiently.

He runs back to his huddled team.

Hey, we have the kick off!


You guys ready?
Ok, time for our game cheer!

Jason’s team does their game cheer.

Who’s gonna win this game?!

We are!

Who’s gonna wins this game?!

We are!

Who are we?


What are we?


One, two, three!


The starters spread out in their positions on the field.

Before Jason starts to head off, the coach stops him.

I know you’re the most nervous one out there. You’re the only first year starter, and I know that’s a lot of pressure. But that only shows that you have the talent. I know you have potential and that’s why I have you on my team.
(looks right in Jason’s eyes)
Try not being nervous, but refreshed. That’ll help you make less mistakes and help you think more clearly. If you do make mistakes, shake it off and don’t worry. Just think of it as starting a kick off; it means new, beginning, starting again, whatever.
(patting Jason’s back)
Now, go! Do your best!

(breathes deeply in and out)
Yes, sir!


Jason is playing the most important game of this season. He makes a goal which makes the score a tie and assists the last goal. His team plays a great game and they win.


Jason arrives at Corey’s house to share the great news about their victory. He goes into the kitchen and finds a note from Corey.


Jason and Corey are both happy. Jason takes a shower and comes out when the doorbell rings. He opens the door and meets his father.


Jason enters the hospital with a bouquet of flowers for Corey’s mom.

He calls Corey on his cell and Corey comes to the lobby to meet Corey.

(waves at Jason)
Aw. . why’d you come? You must be tired from the soccer game. You shouldn’t have come. So how was the game?

How’s your mother? Yeah, the game was awesome! How is she? Any more news?

We sound crazy. We’re like talking about everything nonstop.

Haha. Yeah, I was just so worried. But now it doesn’t seem like I have to be. You seem happy.

Oh yea definitely. The doctor just told me that my mom is showing improvements. Some kind of miracle he called it. Either way, I’m really happy and thankful. Especially to you.

I haven’t really done anything. Don’t thanks me.
Anyways, that’s great news about your mom! It’s awesome! Congrats!!

Yeah, I know. And now I can even afford the hospital care financially because I don’t need the money that I saved for my college anymore. Yeah. . you were great help. I realized this is what friendship is for. For us to understand each other and just knowing feelings and helping each other out and just staying beside each other. With you right next to me, I felt more hopeful and encouraged. And seeing you succeed in your dream, it gave me hope to keep fighting with my mom for her life.

Man. . .
you always touch my heart.
Yeah. . . I don’t know what I would have done without you also. Thanks, man!

Don’t thanks me.

Corey and Jason both laugh out loud and they put their arms around each other’s shoulders.

That’s what friends are for!


Jason and his father enter through the door with his father in the lead.

Jason’s father is walking slowly with Jason’s bag in his right hand.


-He stops in the middle of the hallway.

-It’s dark except for the light coming from the kitchen.

-He sets the bag down carefully.

-He turns around to face his son.

-They look at each other for a little bit.

-Then the dad takes a step close to Jason and embraces his with a big, warm hug.

-Jason hugs back with all his might.

-He starts crying.

I missed you, son.

Jason starts crying harder.

I’m sorry. And I truly mean it.

(still crying)

It’s silent and Jason’s father just holds Jason there for a little bit more time.

Jason starts to settle and soon is done with his crying.

They part and his father stands few steps back. He looks at Jason and gives a slight smile.


Jason and his father are driving. They pass beautiful, wondrous sceneries. Jason’s father holds his son’s hands.


Jason and his father are standing in front his mother’s grave.

They stand there is silence.

Jason then goes and cleans off the dust on the stone.

He replaces the old flowers with the new ones they brought.

His dad just watches with a peaceful feeling.

Jason comes back and stands next to his father.

His father then puts his arm around his son’s shoulders.

I love you.

I love you too.

They stand there quietly and read the quote engraved on the grave.

Research Essay

Time goes by so fast. My life is like a candle melting away by a vicious fire. I am currently in high school, and soon I will be graduating and going to college. As a high school student and preparing to go to college, talks about my career emerge often. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” people will ask. I always responded with a shrug and merely an “I do not know”. Well, now it is time for me to know and it makes me quite nervous. Wondering about what job will fit me just right, I came up with a few possibilities, which I narrowed down to one. This job is the result of a survey I have taken which shows that my characteristics, personality, and my atmosphere fits this job (Holland AB, 11 and TOF, 13). This job, wondering, you might be, contains joy, adventures, knowledge, and the intensity of not missing a beat and being exact! The nature, the working conditions, the payment, the environment, the expectations, and the requirements of this job are something I am willing to do and something that fits me. This job is called an interpreter!

It is not certain that this job will suit me, but according to my interest, skills, and values, I think it will be possible. I am a pretty fast learner, which will influence me greatly when trying to learn other languages. Add on to that, I am already bilingual and am learning a foreign language in school. As said in the career encyclopedia, generally interpreters have interests in books, reading, and traveling (Cifelli 308), which are my top interests, too. Also, considering my values, I could see that this job satisfies most of them. My top three values are helping others, feeling peaceful, and being successful. Through this job, being successful and feeling peaceful can never be guaranteed, but I think I could help others as a big matter. I am not yet quite sure what kind of an interpreter I want to be, but an interpreter translating sign language is very helpful for those who cannot speak. This is not the only way how being an interpreter can be helpful but it is a good example. Also, according to the results from the Keirsey Test, I turned out to be something called a Field Marshal. This is a quote from the Keirsey book that applies to me: “This decisive and outspoken Rationals will usually rise to positions of responsibility in the work place and enjoy being in charge” (Keirsey 3). This quote explains that if I get a job, I will be responsible of it and put a lot of effort in what I am doing as well as take charge. This could also help me greatly in becoming an interpreter because people who have to talk like interpreters cannot be shy. But if I am outspoken and like to take charge and responsibility, I could take care of my job as well as have fun while doing it.

Interpreters allow many things to happen and to be an interpreter, you need to have certain skills. A description of what an interpreter does is pretty simple and clear: “Interpreters and translators enable the cross-cultural communication necessary in today’s society by converting one language into another” as well as concepts and ideas (Interpreter 1). They need to thoroughly understand the subject matter and have open thoughts about other cultures and religions. They also need certain skills such as strong research skills, analytical skills, and a brilliant memory (Interpreter 2). Many qualities, you should have, and should always be ready to face challenges.

Becoming an interpreter is not all that easy as well as other jobs. To become an interpreter, you have to go through a lot of training and take broad ranges of courses. To become an interpreter, not only should you come prepared to face hard courses, but need some basics from the start. Containing something before training to become an interpreter is great help, such as being fluent in a language in addition to a native language. One requirement is a bachelor’s degree but you do not have to major in language to become an interpreter, although it might be helpful (Interpreter 3). To take an early start, there are courses in high school you should take such as English writing and comprehension, or a foreign language. There are also many training programs and courses you should take after high school (Interpreter 4). Through these ways, you have advantages of earning a job as an interpreter.

Working conditions are very satisfactory for me. I really like unexpected and adventurous events, and it is even better when it varies a lot, which are most cases for interpreters. They work under a broad range of situations and conditions (Cifelli 312). I also like traveling which takes a huge part of this job. Interpreters work in a variety of settings and they have to travel to the sites where they are needed. Their schedules are unpredictable because it is freelance. Sometimes work could be long and it may require many hours, but at times, interpreters could work only few hours (Interpreter 5). As it mentions above, the working environments vary. I think this will make my job even more interesting and thrilling.

Earnings of interpreters are satisfactory for me. It might not be that much but I think it will probably be enough to make little savings of my own for my family and to donate some for the poor. These are the general earnings: “Salaried interpreters and translators had median hourly earnings of $16.28 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $12.40 and $21.09. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $9.67, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $27.45” (Interpreter 6). But these earnings just do not go into the hands of any interpreters. You have to worth as much as you get paid. Earnings rely on one’s qualities and skills, education, experience, etc: “Limited information suggests that some highly skilled interpreters and translators—for example, high-level conference interpreters—working full time can earn more than $100,000 annually” (Interpreter 7). As you can see, earning money is not easy, but the harder you work and the more you improve, better offers reach you.

Whenever people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I did not have an answer. They keep telling me I do not have that much time left and I always ended the conversation worried. But through this research essay, I feel like I have found a job I should look forward to and a job that I actually want to have when I am older. What this job offers satisfies me and as for my expectations, this job is very close to perfect for me. I think I could learn and experience so many things I like through this job and will make my life a more exciting and interesting series of events.