Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Research Essay

Time goes by so fast. My life is like a candle melting away by a vicious fire. I am currently in high school, and soon I will be graduating and going to college. As a high school student and preparing to go to college, talks about my career emerge often. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” people will ask. I always responded with a shrug and merely an “I do not know”. Well, now it is time for me to know and it makes me quite nervous. Wondering about what job will fit me just right, I came up with a few possibilities, which I narrowed down to one. This job is the result of a survey I have taken which shows that my characteristics, personality, and my atmosphere fits this job (Holland AB, 11 and TOF, 13). This job, wondering, you might be, contains joy, adventures, knowledge, and the intensity of not missing a beat and being exact! The nature, the working conditions, the payment, the environment, the expectations, and the requirements of this job are something I am willing to do and something that fits me. This job is called an interpreter!

It is not certain that this job will suit me, but according to my interest, skills, and values, I think it will be possible. I am a pretty fast learner, which will influence me greatly when trying to learn other languages. Add on to that, I am already bilingual and am learning a foreign language in school. As said in the career encyclopedia, generally interpreters have interests in books, reading, and traveling (Cifelli 308), which are my top interests, too. Also, considering my values, I could see that this job satisfies most of them. My top three values are helping others, feeling peaceful, and being successful. Through this job, being successful and feeling peaceful can never be guaranteed, but I think I could help others as a big matter. I am not yet quite sure what kind of an interpreter I want to be, but an interpreter translating sign language is very helpful for those who cannot speak. This is not the only way how being an interpreter can be helpful but it is a good example. Also, according to the results from the Keirsey Test, I turned out to be something called a Field Marshal. This is a quote from the Keirsey book that applies to me: “This decisive and outspoken Rationals will usually rise to positions of responsibility in the work place and enjoy being in charge” (Keirsey 3). This quote explains that if I get a job, I will be responsible of it and put a lot of effort in what I am doing as well as take charge. This could also help me greatly in becoming an interpreter because people who have to talk like interpreters cannot be shy. But if I am outspoken and like to take charge and responsibility, I could take care of my job as well as have fun while doing it.

Interpreters allow many things to happen and to be an interpreter, you need to have certain skills. A description of what an interpreter does is pretty simple and clear: “Interpreters and translators enable the cross-cultural communication necessary in today’s society by converting one language into another” as well as concepts and ideas (Interpreter 1). They need to thoroughly understand the subject matter and have open thoughts about other cultures and religions. They also need certain skills such as strong research skills, analytical skills, and a brilliant memory (Interpreter 2). Many qualities, you should have, and should always be ready to face challenges.

Becoming an interpreter is not all that easy as well as other jobs. To become an interpreter, you have to go through a lot of training and take broad ranges of courses. To become an interpreter, not only should you come prepared to face hard courses, but need some basics from the start. Containing something before training to become an interpreter is great help, such as being fluent in a language in addition to a native language. One requirement is a bachelor’s degree but you do not have to major in language to become an interpreter, although it might be helpful (Interpreter 3). To take an early start, there are courses in high school you should take such as English writing and comprehension, or a foreign language. There are also many training programs and courses you should take after high school (Interpreter 4). Through these ways, you have advantages of earning a job as an interpreter.

Working conditions are very satisfactory for me. I really like unexpected and adventurous events, and it is even better when it varies a lot, which are most cases for interpreters. They work under a broad range of situations and conditions (Cifelli 312). I also like traveling which takes a huge part of this job. Interpreters work in a variety of settings and they have to travel to the sites where they are needed. Their schedules are unpredictable because it is freelance. Sometimes work could be long and it may require many hours, but at times, interpreters could work only few hours (Interpreter 5). As it mentions above, the working environments vary. I think this will make my job even more interesting and thrilling.

Earnings of interpreters are satisfactory for me. It might not be that much but I think it will probably be enough to make little savings of my own for my family and to donate some for the poor. These are the general earnings: “Salaried interpreters and translators had median hourly earnings of $16.28 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $12.40 and $21.09. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $9.67, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $27.45” (Interpreter 6). But these earnings just do not go into the hands of any interpreters. You have to worth as much as you get paid. Earnings rely on one’s qualities and skills, education, experience, etc: “Limited information suggests that some highly skilled interpreters and translators—for example, high-level conference interpreters—working full time can earn more than $100,000 annually” (Interpreter 7). As you can see, earning money is not easy, but the harder you work and the more you improve, better offers reach you.

Whenever people ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I did not have an answer. They keep telling me I do not have that much time left and I always ended the conversation worried. But through this research essay, I feel like I have found a job I should look forward to and a job that I actually want to have when I am older. What this job offers satisfies me and as for my expectations, this job is very close to perfect for me. I think I could learn and experience so many things I like through this job and will make my life a more exciting and interesting series of events.

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