Thursday, February 1, 2007

Character/Spiritual Goal

Nina Aaltonen
Block H- Writing

Starting a new year, I decided that I should have important goals for myself this year; a way of making myself a better person along with improving my character.

Character is very important to humans. Everybody has their own character whether it is good or bad. But character is something that one can change, or build, for one to become a different person. Sometimes this works successfully, but a lot of the times, we have the greed to change our character but not enough courage to actually accept the challenge. Here is a quote made by Kurt Vonnegut, “Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.” This quote means that humans have a mind that wants to do something and just start it, but doesn’t want to continue and finish it. An example to clear out this point would be: people do the bad stuff, but nobody takes the blame. Having to apply this to my life, I can see that I sometimes do exactly what the quote says. I call myself a Christian, but never act like one. I might go to church, pray, and look up to God, but those are times when I need help or I want something for myself. Most of the time, I have an excuse such as “I don’t have time”, but that isn’t a reasonable excuse. So, to change this, I have decided to build a better character for myself as a Christian, and not only start it, but maintain it straight on, build persistence within myself, to make myself a better person.
Vonnegut, Kurt. Hocus Pocus. Berkley Edition. New York: Berkley, 1990.

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