Saturday, January 27, 2007

Definition Essay


Have you ever had a time when a friend asked your opinion about her clothes she recently bought, the new hairstyle she got or put on make-up for the first time? Even though the thought of “Ew. How ugly,” or “It just does not match. It is so not her” is flowing through your mind, you end up saying “Oh~! How cute and pretty!” “How lovely and adorable!”, or even “Oooh~! You look so hot!” Why would you say such a thing that is not true? A lie? It is so that you do not hurt your friend’s feelings. But then, you are not being honest. You are being a disgusting liar. Do you honestly think that is the right and the best way for your friend? Be honest.
No one ever said that being honest is easy. The truth is, it’s not. Honesty is something really hard for us, humans, to fulfill in. Being honest or dishonest could bring harm, complications, and difficulties in any situation, anytime, and in any way. The result that is brought by the act of being honest or dishonest makes one confused. In a situation like the one I have mentioned above, you do not know whether to be honest and maybe hurt your friend’s feelings; or be a worthless liar and let your friend have false happiness until somebody else tells her the truth. It is a tough choice. But be honest.
Honesty is being fair and sincere by using courage. It is beautiful, especially because you have to put in everything—your courage and braveness, effort and sweat, thoughts and consideration. It probably takes all the braveness and boldness that you can offer. The book She Said Yes shows a very deep implication on “honesty”. The book is about a normal high school girl named Cassie Bernall. It was an ordinary day when suddenly two of her classmates held her and her friends as hostages threatening with weapons. The two classmates asked Cassie if she was a Christian, and she said “Yes.” Then they murdered her. Even though Cassie knew what was coming up, she didn’t lie. She stood up for her faith and was honest about it. She told the truth and died for it. This is the “real” honesty. The honesty not a lot of us can reach and success in. The level of honesty in which we still have a lot more to learn about. It is just so beautiful and amazing at what it could result in. It touches your heart and blinds your eyes. Honesty might not always bring what you want, but still, believe in honesty.
Freedom from deceit and fraud. That is honesty. When you are not being honest, you are building your guilt and sin. Honesty can not be false. It is one and only—truth. Think about it: would you want to trap yourself in a world of guilt, sin, falseness, and lies? Being dishonest to someone is also being dishonest to yourself. Is it worth it? Is it a reasonable excuse? No. We like to be free. That is human’s nature. If you are honest, it gives you freedom from maybe something which could be the most horrible and scariest thing in our mental world. Freshness and pureness is what we should possess and continue to have, not more sin and guilt building until it reaches the sky. Be honest.
“Honesty is such a lonely word~”. This is a verse from the song “Honesty” by Billy Joel. Do you think this verse is speaking the truth? No, not really. Being honest might be hard and difficult. It might separate you from the others and finally, make you lonely. But the true, deep meaning of honesty shines. The word itself is bright, and it shows off its goodness and righteousness. For the short term, it might bring you loneliness, but it is promised that it will bring you something great towards the end. So be honest.
Your friend asks, “How do I look in my new skirt?” What would you say? Tell the truth. You might not want to embarrass her but it is the best way out. Honesty, like I have mentioned before, is great. You end up receiving one of the best prizes you can get—responsibility and trust. Friends will trust you and so will family members, teachers, and other strangers, even. Honesty is the only way of showing fairness, integrity, truthfulness, and sincerity. So far, it is said that honesty is the best policy of life. So definitely be honest.

1. (Daniel). "Honesty Lyrics." 2002. 18 Oct 2006 .
2. "Cassie Bernall: She Said Yes." Misty Bernall: She Said Yes. 2002. Good News Publisher. 18 Oct 2006 .

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