Saturday, January 27, 2007

Process Essay


Hungry for a delicious snack? Is your stomach craving for something warm, soft, and sweet? Tasty food with brown swirly paste and colorful jelly—Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich!!!
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich is what keeps a big gap between people and the death of starvation. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich is very simple and easy to make, but with all of the results of deliciousness, tastiness, and scrumptiousness. It only takes a few steps along with some of your craftiness. (Warning: people who are allergic to peanuts should not eat even though it sounds like a wonderful recipe)
Going the “thrilling” grocery shopping is the first step. You need to pick the right brand of peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After you pick the brand, you might want to choose what type, or kind, for each of these yummy substances. Creamy or chunky peanut butter? Strawberry, blueberry, grape, or cranberry jam? White or wheat, hard or soft bread? The grocery store usually gives you a lot of options, but it is all up to you whether you choose the right combination that fits you the best. I, personally, prefer Skippers creamy peanut butter with Smuckers strawberry jam, and white soft bread. Also, while you are at the grocery store, it won’t hurt to get some milk to go along with your wonderful snack you would be making soon.
Next, happily bring your groceries into your homey kitchen and get prepared to make your palatable snack. You have to get all the materials ready. Get a toaster if you want your bread toasted; if not, just make your sandwich with untoasted bread. Meanwhile, get the shiniest knife and spoon you can offer—ones where you can see your pretty reflection—and place it right next to your peanut butter and jelly on the counter. Oh! By the way, you might want to wash your hands before getting everything prepared because you surely don’t want to mess up the delicious snack. Finally, you should be ready to establish your quick, but tasty snack!
Get two slices of bread out for the first-run. With one slice placed on your left palm and the other slice on the counter, pick up the shiny knife with your right hand. Then submerse it into the smooth surface of the peanut butter, shattering it into waves of gooey paste. You may begin spreading the peanut butter with a pattern of left to right, right to left, and so on. Once you’re done spreading the peanut butter, on the slice of bread which should be on your left palm, perfectly and squarely, place it down gently, and pick up the next slice of bread that has been waiting for your touch. With your shiny and not demented spoon, scoop up a big spoonful of the thick, jiggly jam and dump it with intense care onto the bread. Again, spread it neatly with the knife.
Once you are done with the “effort-taking” spreading, get ready for some puzzle matching. It won’t be as good if you don’t follow this step closely. You have to be very careful and tense about this step. You have to match the breads together, but in a way where there is no extra bread sticking out. Everything should be equal. This makes the sandwich a whole lot tastier by making each of your bite varied of peanut butter, jelly, and bread.
With your perfect sandwich in your gentle hands, I bet you can’t wait to gobble the whole thing down. But wait! To make it taste even more delicious than it already is, smell it—take a deep breath as you would do before diving into a swimming pool. At last, you are allowed to ferociously devour the compelling, edible item. Just sit back and relax and finally enjoy your lovely snack!

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