Monday, January 29, 2007

Learning Resolutions~

Nina Aaltonen
Block H-Writing
January 25, 2007

My Learning Resolutions
Standard 1
Goal 1: I want to be able to look at my work from a different point of view such as being the audience of my own work. Because I’m the one that wrote it, I feel like I don’t have anything to fix.

Method: I should ask for checklists from the teacher when revising my own work so I could think outside of the box and to help me think more openly so I could easily spot out places I need to fix.

Standard 2
Goal 2: In my writing, I want to be able to use different lengths of sentences (sometimes short and sometimes long) while all my sentences flow smoothly to the next one instead of being choppy.

Method: When revising my work, I should highlight every other sentence with a highlighter so that the lengths will stand out. Then I should take some sentences and see if there are better ways to write those sentences which will also help varying the lengths.

Standard 3
Goal 3: I want to improve on picking the right, colorful but not cheesy adjectives to make my work more interesting because I think that sometimes my nouns seem so plain and general. I need to describe these nouns with adjectives so that the audience could picture what I’m talking about.

Method: I should have a thesaurus and a dictionary with me when I write so I could look up words to use. I should also improve my vocabulary by studying and reading more books.

Standard 4
Goal 4: I want to fix my habit of scanning too fast. Because I’m usually in a hurry, I scan so fast that I have to go back and read it all over again.

Method: I need to make a list of questions and points I should look for while reading something. That way, I will slow down when I read and will look deeply into the information.

Goal 5: I want to improve on my word choice. Sometimes my descriptive words aren’t accurate or it doesn’t fit the subject. I also need to use more variety of adjectives/adverbs.

Method: When I write, I should just write using simple words first. Then use a thesaurus to find more colorful and advanced words to replace the dull and simple ones.

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